Hits 60s, Hits 70s, Hits 80s, Top 40 Pop, USA
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We are dedicated to delivering quality programming that is enjoyed and appreciated by our listeners and is recognized as providing added value to the community.We believe that as a communications center, we are an important contributor to the exceptional quality of life in our community.
We adhere to the highest standards of honesty and integrity in everything we do. We are careful not to allow content or language to offend our listener audience.
We are a major source of warning and information when emergencies arise in the community, and we are dedicated to respond quickly and responsibly.
We have an obligation to operate a profitable business and to deliver a competitive return on our shareholders’ investment.
WSQL also known as Q102, is a radio station located in Brevard, North Carolina broadcasting a "Greatest Hits" format. The station is currently owned by Go Nuts Media LLC. Q102 / WSQL Radio broadcasts 24 hours a day on 102.1 FM and 1240 AM in Brevard, North Carolina and streams a live signal worldwide via the web at www.WSQLRadio.com.